
Showing posts from June, 2019

1 Colossians Chapter One

Verses 1,2 - The Author and The Recipients This letter is written by Apostle Paul, who introduces himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ as God willed he be and introduces Timothy as well as their brother. The letter is written to the believers in Jesus at Colosse, whom he refers to using two distinct words. The first word he uses to describe them is Saints. All those who've put their faith in Jesus have been made holy (sanctified / made saints) by God. The word Saints is not a title conferred on a select few after they die, but it's a description of an act of God towards those  who trust in His Holy Son Jesus - they've been made holy (by God). The second word he uses to describe them is 'faithful brethren,' referring to the strong and ongoing faith of the believers in the Lord Jesus. He then goes on to say that when he prays for them to the Father of Jesus, he always thanks Him for three things concerning them - their Faith in Christ Jesus, their Love for...